Sunday, June 19, 2011

Airport Day 2011

June 18, 2011

Today was the airport's annual open house, bomb drop and landing competition day. The morning started off with tornado sirens, but the afternoon turned out to be pleasant. I wasn't scheduled to work, so I came out to volunteer and try my hand at the bomb drop competition with Matt. There was a decent crowd, and my family even decided to come hang out for a while.

We offered BBQ and music for everyone to enjoy, and even had a B-25 Mitchell come out to fly. There wasn't enough pilots signed up for the landing competition so they cancelled that event, however the bomb drop was a success.

Matt and I were the last to go. We made three passes where I flew the pattern, then he took the controls once onto final so that I could drop the "bomb" (bags of sand) out of the airplane. I missed the target each time but it didn't matter; I was just having fun. After the last drop, Matt asked me if I was up for something fun, but said he wasn't going to tell me what it was. Of course I said yes, so he took the controls and flew the pattern around then announced on the radio his intentions. No-one on the ground knew what we were up to, so Matt sneaked up on everyone by flying a really low approach only 100-200ft above the hangers. Then once we were past the buildings, he made an incredibly steep climb and turn to the left. It was apparently quite the show; but being inside the airplane was even better. Most spectators thought it was cool, but there were a couple people that weren't too happy about us pulling that stunt. My opinion? Who cares! They'll get over it. I always have a good time during lessons, but today was really nice because we flew solely for fun.

Matt and I participating in the Bomb Drop Competition

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